Orthotics are custom made insoles for your shoes. At my Chrysalis, we use Gait Scan Analysis to get the most accurate measurement of your feet and gait. The weight of your body exerts constant pressure on your feet, which are often on hard surfaces such as concrete and pavement, and are rarely in the most anatomically correct footwear. Custom orthotics provide your feet with exactly the support they need through the metatarsals, arch and heels. And you can keep your favourite shoes – the orthotic is designed to fit inside all your footwear. Orthotics can instantly and dramatically reduce foot and leg fatigue and backache, improving stamina and posture.

Benefits of Orthotics include relief from:
• Heel spur pain, achillies tendon or calf muscle strains
• Flat feet or arch pain
• mal-tracking of the patella (i.e. the knee cap) causing knee pain
• Shin splints
• Ankle instability causing recurrent ankle sprains
• pain under ball of the foot
• Lower back pain and Illio-tibial Band Syndrome (ITB syndrome)
• Leg length differences
• abnormal wear and tear of ankle, knee and hip joints
• Prevention of abnormal shoe wear
• For children – treatment of growing pains, to help correct abnormal foot posture
Orthotics are not a miracle cure, but can be a part of your overall pain management.